GOLDENROD - Important Herbal Ally

herbs Aug 29, 2020

Once there was a haggard old woman walking in the woods. She was tired and her legs hurt. She asked forest trees for a walking stick to help, but none of the trees would help. She continued walking and finally an old broken stick spoke and offered to be a walking stick to help her. The woman picked the stick up gratefully and continued making her way through the woods. As she reached the edge of the forest, the old woman revealed her true form, a beautiful fairy. She offered to reward the selfless stick, and asked what it desired. The old stick said that more than anything it wanted to be loved by children. The fairy used her magic, and leaves sprouted from the sides of the stick and little flowers popped out from the top like fireworks. The fairy sprinkled some magic gold dust over the flowers, turning them a happy yellow, and as she did so she declared that children everywhere would always love the Golden Rod.  (source unknown)


Use CAUTION! Do not eat/use a wild plant unless you have 100% certainty it has been identified correctly. If you have a health condition, are taking pharma meds, or are pregnant/breastfeeding, be sure to research contraindications.

Disclaimer:  Every body is different, and any plant can cause an unpleasant reaction depending on the person.  Start small and listen to your body – it is the ULTIMATE AUTHORITY. This information has been compiled from reputable herbalists and natural care professionals. It is intended for educational purposes only. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.This information is not intended as medical advice, nor is it intended  to prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Seek professional medical care for health concerns.

Goldenrod is not to blame for allergies – goldenrod pollen is sticky and can’t be moved without the physical help of insects. It gets blamed because people can see it blooming and assume it’s the culprit, but the actual culprit is stealthy ragweed, which blooms at the same time with inconspicuous green flowers. A single ragweed stem generates hundreds of millions of pollen grains that are easily carried in the wind – in fact, ragweed pollen can travel up to 400 miles

The Latin name of Goldenrod is Solidago, which means “to make whole,” and goldenrod has the unique ability to facilitate both physical and emotional healing. It has a deep affinity for the kidneys, so much so that it is considered a trophorestorative* for the kidneys. Emotions are processed through the kidneys, so Goldenrod is an important ally for anything relating to the urinary tract or emotional trauma – but that’s not all. Goldenrod can actually help relieve the seasonal allergies it gets blamed for, and it specializes in relieving pet dander allergies. I consider goldenrod to be one of the top ten most important herbs in the home herbalist’s apothecary because it has so many uses and it is so abundant. It strengthens the kidneys, relieves allergies, tones the urinary tract, it can be used to improve liver function and cardiovascular function, it can help strengthen capillaries and improve circulation, it can assist wound healing - especially old wounds - and it is fantastic for relieving the pain of arthritis and other joint or muscle pains - both used internally and externally. Goldenrod can also help strengthen digestion, improve nutrient absorption, and it can help resolve fungal issues. People who suffer from seasonal affective disorder will find that goldenrod is a wonderful ally.

Goldenrod can be tinctured fresh or dried to use in oil infusions and as a tea. It has a long history of use here, and after American colonists threw imported tea overboard during the “Boston Tea Party,” the colonists made tea from several different plants, including Goldenrod. Goldenrod tea was called “Liberty Tea” and it was also called “Blue Mountain Tea.” Goldenrod tea was so popular the colonies exported it to China. Goldenrod tea has 7 TIMES MORE ANTIOXIDANTS than Green Tea!

What is YOUR favorite way to use Goldenrod?


*trophorestorative means that it deeply nourishes and helps to correct deficiencies in that organ or organ system


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