Please Note: The Masterclass is now "evergreen" and available anytime.
The live practice sessions have been phased out and the price is less than half what it was.
Suggestions for effective practice are included in the program.
6 Comprehensive CLASSES
This program covers:
• ALL of the Tarot foundational fundamentals
• The Fool’s Journey through the 22 cards of the Major Arcana
• Interpreting the suits & elements of Cups (Water), Swords (Air), Wands (Fire) and Pentacles (Earth)
• Integrating the personalities of the Court Cards
• Using Numerology to add value to your readings
• Tap into and TRUST your intuition to give Tarot readings that flow
• Link the cards together to deliver a fantastic Tarot reading
... and MORE!
• Six easy-to-follow and comprehensive virtual classes are released one at a time and are available to watch at your convenience in the virtual classroom (website).
Each of the classes contain several video lessons, along with enrichment materials, handouts and homework to help you process, practice and internalize the concepts covered.
• Printable handouts, notes and guides give you a permanent record of class material.
• Suggested homework practices give you concrete ways to process, practice and internalize the concepts of each class.
• Those who complete the classes receive a

What Students say:

As a new Tarot reader, I struggled with almost everything. The interpretations in the book I had didn’t always match up with the question being asked. After taking this course, I have a much better understanding of the role of each segment of the deck…majors and minors, as well as the courts. I found the numerology part of the class especially enlightening. The program was well put together and informative. The Zoom practice sessions were engaging and my favourite part of the program.
Sign up for this program! It is a great value. - Barb B.

I highly recommend Tamara's Tarot program. It opened the door to my transformation, and the amazing journey that it took me on hasn't stopped. Now is the time to transcend to higher consciousness, for us to gain more calmness and freedom from fear-mongering. I am eternally grateful for this program. It gave me the confidence to start trusting in my intuitive self. It has been life changing. - Suzana O.

I loved this program! Tamara is clearly a born teacher. As someone who came with some previous knowledge of Tarot, I found that her keen insights and vibrant teaching style helped me to deepen my knowledge and comfort with the cards and gave me tools that will serve me for the rest of this fool's journey! I'd take this course again in a heartbeat. Thank you, Tamara! - Marty S.

I took Tamara's introductory Tarot program, and in six sessions she opened our eyes to the splendid world of Tarot symbolism and interpretation. She has a vast knowledge of the subject, and it was immediately evident that she reads widely about Tarot and she has extensive experience reading tarot cards and spreads. She presented various schools of thought, but she also shared with us her own valuable insights and experiences with readings. She brings a common-sense approach to her intuitive readings, not too new-agey and not too formulaic. She was always meticulously prepared and gave us numerous helpful handouts and references to additional resources.
Tamara has an engaging personality and a light sense of humor, so class time flew by and we always finished classes feeling energized and eager to practice what she taught us. We learned many different ways of approaching tarot readings, and, now that the program is over, I feel inspired to keep building on what she presented and expand my own reading abilities. I —and, I think, most of the other students—would happily take additional classes from Tamara. She is an outstanding communicator and a deeply knowledgeable teacher. - Jonathan P.

This Tarot program was a marvelous experience. I'm very much a classroom-oriented type of learner, and the structure of the classes along with the zoom practice sessions managed to supply that despite the fact that we didn’t meet in person. I recommend this course! - Lydia A.

Before taking the program I was struggling with how to explain what I saw in the cards. After finishing the course I have more confidence with my Tarot reading, and I feel I can more easily drop in to a grounded place. The program was much more comprehensive than I expected. I appreciated the research and density of the content. Tamara definitely over-delivered. - Juana S.

I have been enjoying Tamara's Tarot gatherings for years, and being a long-time teacher myself, I know a good teacher when I see one. Tamara is all that and a bag of chips. As a complete Tarot beginner, this Tarot program gave me and the other students a firm foundation of Tarot and fostered confidence in our intuitive skills.
Tamara successfully combines her professional speaking and business-owner experiences with consistently powerful, insightful and revealing readings of the Tarot. Most importantly, the classes in the course are exceptional, and Tamara’s hosting skills make the zoom practice sessions seamless and enjoyable. - Barbara M.

I had been curious about Tarot since I was a child but had been discouraged because of religious beliefs.
I spent several months overwhelmed, wondering how I would ever remember what all the cards meant, and despite doing daily one card draws I never felt as though I was progressing or moving forward. I definitely didn’t read for anyone else.
That all changed dramatically after I enrolled on Tamara’s Tarot Masterclass program. After my first lesson I felt as though it had clicked and I was finally understanding how to read cards effectively.
The program had live lessons and also pre recorded lessons that re-capped and delved further. The recordings I could watch at my pace and fit in around my busy life. The lessons were broken down into bite size easy to learn chunks, and we were able to put into practice what we learned within the group so it was safe and no pressure.
I am now confidently reading for others -- I’m even doing a party in a few weeks!
If you’re thinking about doing the Masterclass program -- do it! You will not regret it. The resources you get to download and keep are great and most importantly it will super charge and boost your learning.
I definitely don’t regret investing the cost in my learning experience, as it’s paid dividends in moving me months ahead had I still been bumbling in my own. - Andrea L.

You ever hear the phrase ‘recreating the wheel’? That’s how I felt trying to learn tarot on my own. Watched so many YouTube videos and still couldn’t put it all together in a reading. Some cards had very different definitions depending on the source.
It is not an exaggeration to say Tamara DeGaea's Tarot Masterclass changed my life! The class saved me years of trying to sort it all out alone and introduced me to an amazing community of kind, like-minded people 💕
She left me with so many ways to practice on my own after class ended. Now I’m looking forward to joining Tarot Explorers' Club and practicing what I’ve learned with others!!
Cannot overstate how great this class was! - Tara C.

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When should I enroll?

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